ManMeet Retreat | Austin, TX | September 26 - 29
For men who like to kick it with other men, while becoming radically better men.
If you're looking for a smashing good time doing balls-deep men's work, ManMeet is your bag, baby.
You will be met by refreshingly normal (and tastefully weird) like-hearted guys who are committed to an uncommonly fulfilling life - without sacrificing the FUN.
Git yoself some organicAF, non-GMO certified, 100% grass-fed MANMEET.
JOIN THE BOYZTrue or False:
Your quality of life is significantly influenced by the depth of your REALationships.
No shit, amirite?
Taking it a step further...guys NEED guys.
It's science.
Men often rely on romantic partners for essentially everything.
NOT a winning strategy.
As a man, it is CRUCIAL to have brothers who will love you FUNconditionally, be your accountabili-buddy, and playfully laugh with/at you.
There is unique support that only men can provide for each other.
Being in consistent, deep connection with high integrity, dope dudes you can fully trust is EVERYTHING.
It makes you more self-aware, capable, content, confident, etc.
If you're reading this you probably want more Grade A ManMeet in your mouth - I mean life.
(Don't we ALL?!)
GO PRO WITH THE BROSWanna be a more inspired & fulfilled man?
Well Mr. Dude, you've come to the right place...
At this event, we get FUNcomfortable and hold each other accountable to GREATNESS.
AND - we have a STUPID amount of fun.
This style of 'personal development' is sincere and impactful - but not unnecessarily serious. If 'the work' is not genuinely enjoyable, that's unacceptable, and I simply won't stand for it.
We laugh. We cry. We connect - DEEPLY.
- BROmance 🥰
- BROmentum 🕺🏻
- BROwth 💪🏼
This page has alllll the info for your reference. For the eager beaver, these details may be superfluous. If that's you, feel free to cut the sh!t and get straight to it...
Enroll RIGHT MeowThis experience is for you if you want to...
- Engage in authentic brotherhood & rites of passage
- Experience the breadth & depth of emotions
- Experiment with radical self-expression
- Pursue purpose and take inspired action
- Embody playful confidence (and dominance)
- Enhance your intimacy and 'conscious kink' skills for romantic partnership
- Articulate your emotions, desires and boundaries with style and grace
- Fuck chicks and git money (mostly joking, but maybe a little serious...😈🤫)
This is a safe space to NOT play it safe!
This may also be for you if...
- You crave connection with honorable men, who also know how to have fun
- You have a hard time relating to your significant other
- Your woman wants 'more', and you feel like 'not enough'
- You want to attract (or keep) the romantic partner of your DREAMS
- You feel intimidated, inadequate, or simply want to expand your SEXpression
- You're seeking greater confidence with intimacy
- You want to get in touch with your deeper purpose in life
- You have a DEEP knowing that life could and MUST be better
Ready to Party?

Sean McDevitt
"I've never been a part of a men's experience that was so open & vulnerable. I learned more about male fellowship than I had ever previously in my life, including how to connect quickly & deeply, as well as using breathwork to own my nervous system.
Nickname: City Boi Sean-skie
Location: Austin, TX

Tyler Dabovich
"Jordan served as a personal mentor and coach to me for over a year, and I can't recommend him enough."
Nickname: DABRO(skie)
Location: San Diego
What's Included:
- Lodging at a BADA$$ property (pictures below)
- FLOW style conscious cuisine:
- Fresh
- Local
- Organic
- WholesomeAF
- An irresponsible amount of breakthroughs
- Private messaging group before/after with your fellow executive BROducers
- Post-retreat integration support group call
- Complimentary 33 minute private connection call with Jordan
- Sex, drugs and rock-n-BROll (metaphorically speaking-ish)
Schedule of Events
The magic is in the mystery, so we'll keep the agenda fairly vague, but if you're a bro who NEEDS to know a lil sumthin sumthin, below are some basic details for ya.
Or, if you're feelin the FUDGE YES calling, and you're ready to make it official...
6 - 8pm = VIP Dinner
(for private clients only)
12 - 3pm = Optional Barton Springs Plunge & Greenbelt Hike
5 - 6pm = Arrive at Property
6 - 7pm = Opening Ceremony
7 - 8pm = Sunset Dinner
8 - 10pm = Rite of Passage w/ Stefanos Sifandos
10pm = Bedtime
6 - 8am = Sunrise Initiation
8 - 9:30am = Breakfast
9:30 - 11am = Masculinity & Polarity Workshop
11am - 12:30pm = Games & Snack Break
12:30 - 2pm = Truth-Telling Workshop w/ Michael Cazayoux
2 - 3pm = Lunch Break
3 - 4:30pm = Addressing Self-Victimization w/ JP Sears
4:30 - 6pm = Games & Snack Break
6 - 7:30pm = Emotional Alchemy w/ Brandon Hawk & Mike Bryan
7:30 - 9pm = Group Celebration Dinner
9 - 10pm = Bioenergetic GROOVEment w/ Wyatt Dickson
10pm = Bedtime
6 - 8am = Miracle Morning w/ Hal Elrod
8 - 10am = Breakfast, Games & Pack-Up
10 - 12pm = Closing Ceremony
12PM = GTFO (Get. The. Fuck. OUT.)
Have more questions?
If you'd like to have a live touchpoint to give you a lil extra nudgeskie toward a FUDGE YES, throw some time on my calendar, and I'll HARD sell ya into blissful oblivion 🤤

Tyler Boden
"If you want to take your life to the next level, I couldn't recommend Jordan enough for that exact reason."
Nickname: Senior BROden
Location: California

Jared Nations
"Jordan has the unique ability to do 'serious' work in a fun way. This experience was well worth the investment."
Nickname: Colonel Jah-skie
Location: Austin, TX

Sky King
"To say this was a life-changing experience would be an understatement."
Nickname: Sky-Walker & Mr. King-skie
Location: Austin, TX
Are you gonna invest or NOT?!
Who is this for?
What does this experience include?
What results can I expect?

Becoming a better bro-man gets to be simple, fun and EFFECTIVE...
Because here's the thing. The process of ‘personal development’ can be fuggin lame sometimes. As a self-help junkie, I’m here to tell ya that while Eckhart Tolle is a BAUS, I can only hear ‘The Power of Now’ presence/acceptance spiritual babble so much before I lose my shit, and tell the ascended master to fudge right off with his monotone a$$.
Are you pickin up what I’m puttin DOWN?!
There comes a point in a man's journey where he's down for ‘the work’, and he recognizes a deep desire to have ‘the work’ also feel like play.
This is the transition from uncomfortable to FUNcomfortable.
From serious to SINCERE.
“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
I’ve spent over a decade learning the ‘rules’ of personal development...meditation...journaling...books...podcasts...gratitude...
This is all AWESOME, but after a while, it can get monotonous and/or lonely. It’s just not radical enough, and it's uninspiring without fellow dope dudes on the path by your side. It needs the artist’s unconventional touch. Imagine if you will…
Ole Eckhart & Esther Perel have a baby...and Matthew McConnaughey & Scarlett Johansson have a baby...and those two babies meet & bump uglies (as consenting adults), and THEY have a baby...
DATS DIS (more or less).
This baby had an organicAF home-birth, boasting a tasteful buffet blend of personal development modalities that are most fitting for the sincere, playful, ‘conscious’ man.
This is the kind of ‘work’ that gets me BROing.
In this experience, we hold each other to a high standard of masculine excellence through cooperation, competition & FUNconditional connection.
I'm Jordan Maurice Bowditch. If ya don't know...

I inspire higher truths through radical authenticity & humor, guiding men through playfully transformational experiences.
I am a confidence & intimacy coach, supporting men & couples in having the life & love of their dreams.
My greatest passion & unique genius is cultivating community, with best-in-the-biz event production, workshop facilitation & emceeing skillz.
I also identify as a BROfessional Edu-tainer & omnipresent influencer :)
There are at least 10,000 bajillion other things that attempt to describe me, but this is a good place to start.
I sometimes describe myself as the bridge between the esoteric and the generic: the self-righteous-woowoo-guru and the tangible YOU-dude-lady-thing 👰🏻♂️
I facilitate elevated connection by creating safe places to not play it safe, incorporating somatic therapy, bioenergetics, holistic health, interpersonal & sexual polarity dynamics, and social magnetism into my work/play.
You'll find me at the intersection of FUNcomfortable inspired action & FUNconditional connection.
How about THAT for some buzzwords.
My SMOKIN hot wife (Alexa Bowditch aka Queen BAEbeskie aka @thatsexchick) and I own Sex & Love Co, where we support like-hearted heroes in their sex, love & relationships.

A little more about my journey...
I grew up half in California, half Ohio. I lived with many relatives and friends through adolescence. The village raised a The Jordan Chameleon.
I graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in Business Marketing, a minor in International Studies, and a prestigious masters in #fratlife (Sigma Chi). Half kidding, mostly serious.
In all sincerity, the rites of passage, brotherhood, and business training from my fraternity experience heavily influenced me, and it's the starting point of my men's work journey that led me to supporting other men as my chosen profession.

After working a desk job for a few years post-college, I HAD to make a radical change, so I sold everything I owned and lived out of my car with my pitbull for a year, which eventually led me to landing my dream job with a startup (at the time) called Bulletproof - a lifestyle and nutrition company best known for Bulletproof Coffee.
I was National Educator for 6 years, which was a super special, majorly impactful season of life that continues to serve my mission in a BIG way.
From there, I went BALLZ DEEP into personal development, and I haven’t stopped since.
I’ve attended & facilitated countless retreats, events, programs, etc., and I continue to cultivate the vision of the most BADASS, well-rounded, BROdacious experiences I can fathom - that's my DHARMA.
Thank you for being a part of it.
I'll let that be enough for now. You can check out my Instagram page to get to know me more. For better or worse, I live inside out, and put it on public display.
Jordan Maurice Bowditch
One last thing...
A split second of amazing courage can change your life.
Making this a daily practice will propel you into greatness beyond your wildest dreams - and we will do it together playfully, sincerely, and with righteous accountability.
By the end of this experience, your life will be palpably and measurably more awesome. You will have an embodied sense of confidence because of your courageous inspired action, and you will have a group of like-hearted HEROES as lifelong brothers.
And I'm here to support you through this kinda conscious party process as your number one hype man.