Next round of Couples Goals starts September 2024

Join the Waitlist


A 6-week journey for ALL-IN couples looking to experience reliably passionate romance, share DEEPLY connective intimacy, and have consistently GREAT sex.

The next round starts September 2024!


There’s a ridiculous rumor going around about long-term relationships...

Maybe you’ve heard it. It goes something like this:

Once the honeymoon phase is over, passion fades, sex becomes less frequent (and is relatively uninspiring), it’s generally at least a low-level struggle to stay connected, and that’s just the way it is.

Sound familiar?

An incredibly unfortunate ‘truth’ that much of society has overtly or subconsciously accepted.

BUT, here’s the good news:

It’s complete and utter BULLSHIT!

You can be in a secure life partnership, fall eternally and infinitely deeper in love, and have increasingly HOTTER sex for the rest of your life.

Cross my heart and hope to die 💞☠️

(except not, because it’s just an expression, and a rather weird/intense one, but you get the point)

You get to have your cake AND eat it too - pinky promise 😉

And it’s NOT rocket science (but it IS a science…)

It just takes strong intention, unwavering commitment, and a little help from your friends.

That’s where we come in to show you HOW.

Here is what people are saying about Couples Goals...


In our six weeks together, you and your person will:

  • Have courageous (and kinky) conversations, where you are safe and empowered to express FULLY without fear of judgement, too much-ness, or not enough-ness.
  • Identify and explore your curiosities.
  • Gain confidence in your ability to lead and be led in and out of the bedroom.
  • Experience the (not so) basics of erotic love languages, conscious kink, BDSM, tantra, and MUCH more, to infuse never-ending novelty into your intimacy.
  • Uncover your inner kinks, having fun with the taboo for you, while being exposed to a wide range of juicy options.
  • Fall deeper in love and remember why you chose your AMAZING life partner.

Couples Goals is for people who...

  • Are committed to their life partner and are willing to show UP (ie ALL-IN), even/especially when it's particularly challenging.
  • Are looking to up-level their sex and love life.
  • Sometimes experience difficulty communicating needs, wants, desires, and boundaries (both in and out of the bedroom)
  • Want MORE from their romantic relationships (depth, intimacy, adventure)
  • Occasionally (or often) feel their sex life is: lackluster, monotonous, dull, boring, routine, infrequent, too vanilla, OR all the above!
  • Have feelings of being not enough/too much and are afraid to talk about what they really want
  • At times, experience a mismatched libido but are unsure how to chat about it
  • Are not feeling fully expressed or consistently satisfied and deeply desire to be
  • Have a decent/good overall sex life and relationship, but want it to be even better 

What you get in Couples Goals...

  • 6 weeks of play, connection and transformation with Jordan and Lex.
  • One weekly live 90 minute interactive video call (6 total). These are EVERYTHING! Previous attendees have considered it a weekly date night where they knew they would be challenged to go deeper with one another, leaving turned on by each other and what is possible.
  • 1 private Women's only session
  • 1 private Men's only session
  • 24/7 exclusive communication with private Telegram text thread.
  • Priority access to and discounts on future Sex & Love Co. offerings. (including the Couples Goals In-Person Summit)

You also receive lifetime access to our signature program - Sex & Love Academy

Sex & Love Academy is designed to help you understand yourself, explore your desires (even if you think you don’t have any), expand your sexual knowledge, and become a master communicator in the bedroom - and beyond.

What's Included

  • 6 modules PACKED with sex education, exercises & MUCH more
  • Lifetime access, including all future updates to this program
  • Exclusive access to the online portal
  • Worksheets, audios, meditations, and other unique program materials


"5 out of 5! I loved the openness and realness. Jordan and Lex are role models of what’s possible in intimacy. No one needs to settle! I definitely wanted more and that’s a good thing."


"This gave us tools and constructs that led to conversations that we've never had before. We are on the path to an elevated and enlightened relationship because of Alexa and Jordan."


"It was incredible to connect with and through Jordan and Alexa. They brought inspiration, fun, joy and knowledge, showing us how deep relationships can go, when you show up for them."

Everything you want and desire is possible inside your current relationship!

We give you a front-row seat to our communication and experimentation successes (and challenges), so that you can up-level your relationship by infusing it with so much understanding, depth, and mind-blowing (s)experiences.

Just like you, we are perfectly imperfect!

We are committed to continuously growing in love together, and we are SO excited to share our passion and learnings with you in this intimate 'mastermind' style container with other like-hearted couples committed to optimizing their connection in ALL the ways.


Think of this as your guaranteed date night, where you prioritize your relationship, connection, and growth. Everything you need to expand your confidence, explore your curiosity, and experience a deeper connection with yourself and your significant other.


Your intimacy initiation starts now.